Saturday, July 13, 2013

The editing process

Yesterday I sent in my revisions for Four Sides of a Triangle. I went through a myriad of emotions, including accomplishment, pride, elation, and a little fear.

The story itself was pretty clean, the plot and subplots all tied up pretty nice at the end. There were a few things I needed to describe and explain, and lots and lots of things I needed to correct in terms of grammar but I say down and did it.

And it was wonderful.

To be honest, I didn't expect Four Sides to be my first published story, but I realize as I'm rereading it, how cute and clever it is (and how humble I am too, obviously). It's lighthearted and romantic, with some laughs and a teensy but of drama sprinkled in. It's the perfect beach read (in my opinion).

I spoke with my editor, and we started discussing book cover concepts. We have similar ideas on what we want and hopefully I'll have the cover revealed soon. Not only that, but if everything goes according to plan, it's very likely Four Sides will be released next week.

Yes, you read that right. Next week. I should have an official date for you soon.

But just because I'm done with those edits doesn't mean my weekend is completely work-free. I'm editing another novel to submit to Renee, as well as a novella that might be familiar to you featuring a werewolf. I can't say anything until I get the official word, but I'll definitely keep you posted.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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