Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Do Twitter ads work, part 2

Last week, I talked about buying the bullet and paying for a court le of Twitter advertisements that would tweet two different (and popular) books for 3 days (June 15-17).

Here is what I've found:

Twitter ads DO NOT increase sales

I found that I was getting the usual purchases throughout the time span, and at some point during those days, their ranking increased (it's not a good thing).

However. The rank increase could be because a lot of books launch on Tuesday, pushing my books from their usual rankings. By the end of the week, they resumed their usual positions.

While the ads didn't generate profit, I did get some new followers. So it did grant me certain exposure.

All in all, the pricing was decent but it didn't get me the increase in profit I wanted. On the other hand, I did attain followers. Depending on your goal, it's something to consider.

I think they can absolutely work, but because there are so many of them, people don't even look at them even more. I know I don't.

@booktweeter also provided a copy of each tweet they sent out and any retweets, which I really liked.

Have you used Twitter ads? How did they work for you?

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Writing Wednesday: Twitter Ads

So I but the bullet and did it: I paid for three Twitter services.

Well, technically, one came with an author promotion membership I signed up for.

I used The Kindle Book Review for Save the Date! and I used Book Tweeter for Marking Territory. Both were scheduled for 3 days, both beginning June 15.

I've always been hesitate to pay for advertising because it's something that isn't guaranteed. But I decided to try it because the prices were reasonable ($15 and $12 respectively). Plus, I want to eventually quit my job so I can write full-time and stay home with the kids. Since it's not something I've tried before, I decided to give it a chance.

Once I get results, I'll update the post so stay tuned...


My stepson is "graduating" sixth grade today.

I'm really proud of him, but to be honest, I expected nothing less. The kid is naturally smart, and when he tries, he only exceeds in intelligence.

But school is not just about being smart. It's about socializing, making mistakes, effort, tenacity, boredom, passion, falling in love, being heart broken, and becoming the person you're meant to be.

School is intense. He doesn't realize it yet, but he will.

His mom is already preparing for the worst, when it comes to him and girls in that she doesn't want him to jump into even liking girls. I understand that from a logical point of view - she wants her baby boy to stay young and innocent (and yet somehow, my husband's 5 year old son is watching rated r movies at her place like its nothing, but that's neither here nor there, just an interesting comparative between both boys). I'm not quite sure how I'll feel once I have my own son; on the one hand, I know from experience what puppy love, infatuation and heartbreak feels like, especially at such an impressionable age; yet on the other, independence in my children is important to me, and I want them to experience all that middle school has to offer.

I think Josh is both excited and nervous. He's accomplished something and it's exciting for an eleven year old to do so all by himself on his own merit that's receiving such fanfare such as celebrations and a school dance - his first. On the other, I think he worries what this next step may entail for him. There's a good chance he may not be babied anymore - or maybe his mother will cling to him, and turn the intense affection into overdrive?

Only time will tell.

I want what best for him regardless, and more than anything in proud of him. Congratulations, Josh. Live in this moment because it, like childhood, evolves much too quickly and fades with time.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Friday plot bunny

Your heroine is auctioned as punishment for her feistiness/as a way for her uncle to make money. She is bought by a wealthy trader/pirate/plantation owner/Viking/prince.

What if all she wants is a life of freedom to make her own choices? How does she earn her freedom? Will he give her the option to leave? What if he bought her as a way to protect her? What if they have a hate/love relationship?